Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My first post!!

Ok blogosphere, here I am. I finally started the blog that I have been thinking about forever... and I don't know what to do with it! I have been "lurking" (I know, terrible) for awhile now and really enjoy the blog community. I am excited to be here, but wish that I already knew how everything works! Any pointers?

What do you write about in your first post? I really have no idea. So, I will just babble a little. As I have already mentioned, I have been thinking about starting a blog for a long time now. I did a little research on blogging (yeah, I'm a dork) and one thing caught my eye - "Find your niche". Great, now I need a "niche" before I can blog... they make it sound so easy. Well, my "niche" is kind of all over the place. I am a little bit of everything rolled into one. Take a couple of my favorite blogs for example.......

Andy over at Finding Fairy Tales pretty much kicks ass. She will tell it like it is with no reservations. I love that. But, I can't always do that (as much as I would like to). Like now I am thinking, should I put "ass" in my first post? I don't swear a lot... but it happens. What can I say? I am human. I guess that means that yes, "ass" stays.

Jen over at 4tunate is amazing. I went to AWANA with Jen when we were younger. She is an inspiration to me and my desire to become a mother (more to come on that later). She has a strong relationship with God & her family and I absolutely love reading about her gorgeous little boys! Now, Jen can tell it like it is, but in a much milder form.

Andy & Jen are both wonderful woman who, obviously, have mastered the blogosphere and I thank you both for letting me "lurk" (seriously, it's such a terrible word!) and now become part of your blogosphere family :) Eventually, I see my blog "niche" being a good mix of these two.

Sounds good right? Now to figure out how everything works around here... so many buttons...