Thursday, May 7, 2009

Leave it to me.....

That's right, leave it to me to babble on and on in my first post and not even mention my family. I was just so excited that I wasn't really thinking. Just typing away.

Anyways, here's some info on me & my family :) I am married to the love of my life - The Hubster and a mom to two adorable babies - The Pup & Baby Kitty. We live in small town Indiana and absolutely love it!! (I'm definitely a small town girl). We love to be outside - camping, cooking out, mushrooming, mowing, working in the flowerbeds or garden - we love it all. This nice weather has been a long time coming - I am not a fan of temps in the 30's in April.

Ok, well it is short & sweet tonight - I have a date with a piece of cake and Survivor. The day would end perfectly if they would vote off Coach....


Unknown said...

Jenna, i am totally flattered that you would mention me in your first post:)

it took me a little while (months;) to find my niche...and although i'm not going to google "niche", i'm pretty sure it means...nope, have to google. can't sound stupid on my first comment on your blog...

anyhow! if you look waaaaay back on my posts you can see how i have evolved, and i give complete kudos to the cathartic nature that blogging has gifted to well as the insight, lurking, questioning, and admiring of other bloggers.

so have i found my place? not sure...i've tried things and then gone in a different direction altogether...but the one thing i have determined? i will not change who i am or how i think just to satisfy other peoples rules and/or belief system; 'cause they don't have to read my shit if it offends them.

it is awesome. and has been a fantastic release for my mind and soul.

and now i must google "mushrooming".


p.s. welcome to the blogosphere.

Mimi said...

Congratulations on starting your new blog. Joining SITS is a great first step.

Thanks for stopping by my blog & helping to make my SITS day special!