Friday, May 29, 2009

It's official...

...the hubster is unemployed (due to a large layoff). He worked his last 3rd shift last night (I finally get the opportunity to sleep with him every night, not just two nights a week!!). My thoughts on this layoff? It is bittersweet - I am scared. I am excited. I am nervous. I am relieved. I am stressed. I am blessed.

We first heard of this layoff a couple months ago. They said it would take affect between May 29 & June 13 (approximately)..... it seemed so far away when they announced it, and now here we are. At first we were really nervous and the emotions were flowing heavy... scared, sad, anxious, mad, confused, heartbroken, etc. Now that we have had some time to "take it all in" so to speak, things are getting better. We are even having a cookout tonight to "celebrate" (I am a fan of celebrating vs "mourning" if and whenever possible). We have been blessed in the fact that we are able to keep our insurance for 18 months. This is a HUGE blessing for me.... a lapse in insurance would be a tragedy to say the least.... thank you Lupus....

The hubster has been looking around to see what he wants to do. He has a few options but is being very picky. I really can't blame him, but on the other hand I have to gently remind him that he may have to find something he doesn't like for awhile until something better comes along. Especially in this economy... um, hints this layoff.

For now... I am working my no benefits, little income job. But, it's convenient... very convenient... and that is something we need right now... convenience... because this layoff is anything but convenient. Anyways, the hubster? He is taking full advantage of some time off - tinkering in the garage, visiting with family & friends, enjoying nice weather outside, dirtying up the house, etc. (he started practicing for this layoff during a week long shut down they had last week). Is it crazy that I am smiling as I type this? He is such an amazing man and I am so lucky to have him in my life. And no worries, I also gently remind him that he needs to find a kick ass job with benefits that he loves - then I can plan to stay at home when we start our family ;) Ha ha... then he reminds me that he should be the one staying home... crazy ass. We will just have to sit back and wait... see which direction God steers our life.


morgan hoont said...

It's always fun to have more time to sleep with your husband isn't it ?!? LOL