Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Good news.... so far.

Our appointment with the specialist in Indy went extremely well – so well in fact, that it made me nervous. Yeah, that sounds ridiculous, but something always seems to go wrong for me…. always. Anyways, here’s a breakdown of our great day:

* We didn’t get lost on the way there.
* We were there early and had plenty of time to fill out paperwork (which included calling both Moms to inquire about family medical history).
* The receptionist was nice (she even offered me something to drink!).
* The nurse was nice.
* The Doctor was absolutely kick ass!! She had my medical history all printed out and had read through it all numerous times, had notes written to the side and highlighted sections to review with me (now, when I say “my medical history” I mean a freakin’ book – I have “volume I & volume II”… maybe by now there is a volume III.... My “regular” Doctor reminds me too frequently, “you are too young to have this much history”…. yes, thank you again for reminding me. Anyways, back to my great day - the hubster & I talked with the Doctor, laughed, talked some more. She made me feel so at ease. And she made the hubster’s day when she said, “You are ok to go home and have lots of fun!” ;)

I had to do some bloodwork before we left – she wanted to check some current stats to double check everything…. The phlebotomist was amazing. I walked into the tiny room and she explained that they needed to draw quite a bit of blood for all of the different tests. Ok, no problem. Then I look on the counter and see 12 vials waiting on me. Yes, 12. I have a picture to prove it. She then explained that since they needed so much, my vein might “collapse” and she would have to stick me again. The nice nurse mentioned above came in to assist and hand empty vials while listening to me ramble on about anything & everything (per their request of course – “now, honey you just keep talking and don’t pay any attention to what we are doing”). When it was all said and done, I received a “great job – you need to mark this vein – it’s awesome!”. With that, I happily took my apple juice and walked down the hall to the hubster who was still shaking his head saying, “I can’t believe you actually took a picture.” Um, yeah, when we have a mouthy teenager on our hands I will whip out that picture in a hurry…. LOL, at least that is what the phlebotomist recommended.

We left the office and battled some construction…. ignored our growling stomachs because I was extremely tired and said I was not getting out of the car until we were home (the hubster has a "fear" of drive up windows and decided he couldn’t eat tacos – which we were both craving - while driving). So, after passing up Taco Bell and getting through ¾ of the construction, I realized I had forgotten something at the office. I looked at the clock on the dash…. 5:15. So, I called and left a lengthy message letting them know I forgot to pick up a “container” for my 24 hour urine test (good times). (See something always goes wrong – but this was mild, so it’s ok). I ended up calling back the next day and they sent orders in to the local office – it all worked out :)

I have not heard any news from the bloodwork or urine test, so we are still having fun ;) We went to town last night to buy a couple pregnancy tests…. I will need more than one positive to make me believe it. I don’t want to be a victim of a false positive….