Friday, August 21, 2009

Happy Friday!

Hello Friday… I have missed you!!

This weekend is going to be crazy fun. I have my 10 year high school reunion & my 1 year wedding anniversary. I took Monday off to help “recoup” from the weekend ;)

I’m looking forward to catching up with friends from high school. I only moved about an hour away, but have lost touch with a lot of them. After the reunion I am going to make sure that it’s not another 10 years until we get together again! Life is too short…

The hubster & I don’t really have any plans for our anniversary. We’re just going to hang out and enjoy each other’s company :) I am definitely ok with turning the phones off, locking the doors, cuddling and watching movies…


Megan said...

Thanks for following me. =)

Happy Anniversary and 10 year reunion!! Enjoy both occasions and your day off!